Sunday, September 27, 2009

Travel Peacfully

Winnie Mandela's Biography

She calls herself "a typical country girl." But as the wile of jailed African National congress leader Nelson Mandela, Nomzamo Winnie Mandela has become a one-woman symbol of black defiance. For years she quietly challenged government orders keeping her in internal exile and prohibiting her Iron meeting with more than one person at a time. But as South Africa erupted in an escalating round 01 riots and repression. with demands growing at home and abroad for her husband's release. Winnie Mandela began to speak out publicly against Pretoria's White ruler First a press conference. then a speech. then a rally. Her message is angry and unyielding: an end to apartheid-now.

This paragraph shows Winnie Mandelas determination for peace and equality. Also her determination to wait for her husbands release from being in jail for 29 years. This also shows that if you have determination you will get what you want because Mandela was set out of prison , became the president and restored peace.

By: Julia Roger

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